
Wednesday, 16 June 2010

A Simple Tip For Making Cash With Twitter

A very simple but valuable way of generating quick cash with Twitter.
When you sign up to, they use your site to advertise from their selection of tweets from all kinds of companies as varied as chocolate companies to travel sites. You simply tell them the niche you are interested in advertising and they will tweet to your account with your approval. Don’t be concerned if you feel that your account may be compromised by the types of tweets they send out as you have full control of what is sent. What I mean by that is, you make the decisions on the following:

1.The frequency of when they can tweet relative to your tweets
2.What they can advertise
3.You can preapprove every tweet they send
4.You can even rewrite their ad so it is in the format you choose!!!

You get paid in two ways. Firstly on a commission basis for any sales made from your ads or secondly, and this is the one I love, you get paid per tweet J Yes, its true, after a certain amount of time, they will pay you per tweet and I have been paid over $5 a tweet regularly on multiple twitter accounts!! When this happens your account increases very quickly. It is SO easy to withdraw your earnings too. There is a button which asks you if you want to cash out now and hey presto, within seconds, your money is on your paypal account like magic!!!

So YES it works, not just theory!!


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