
Wednesday, 27 October 2010

5 Twitter Tips You Probably Haven’t Thought Of

If you want to succeed on Twitter – with your website – you need to explore all avenues. The many traditional pathways are frequently explored, so it’s in your best interest to find ways to break the mold and create differential increases that give you the advantage – establishing your brand and promoting your website in ways many had thought undiscovered.

The following 5 tips you probably haven’t heard of – and even if there’s only one that you aren’t utilizing, that’ll give you the competitive edge you need.

1. Use “Please Retweet” – occasionally. When you have a post that needs RT, use the “Please Retweet” tag at the end. Statistically, this has shown to increase RT counts by a non-trivial amount. Use it sparingly, though, or your followers will start to notice and view this request as non-authentic. I suggest you use it most for those posts that aren’t RT friendly – such as non “How-Tos” or simple commentary pieces. The “Please Retweet” function will help provide a good boost.

2. When you notice your content being spread, jump in. Your link works just like a brand works – the more times it appears, the more likely someone is to read and/or retweet it. If you’re lucky enough to have someone tweet your stuff out before you promote it, and they’re in your area of expertise, jump in. Think about how you view tweet streams.. if you see a tweet mentioned multiple times, you’re bound to view it – if multiple people you follow think it’s good, it must be worth reading, right? So, even if it goes off your normal promotion times, fly in there and contribute to the stream of your link being spread.. it’s even more likely to get picked up again.

3. Schedule your tweets for another continent’s prime Twitter usage period. If you’re in the US, find the time where the U.K is most likely awake and ready to spread your content, and schedule it. I’m not a huge fan of automated tweets, but there’s nothing you can do here and it’s not that bad to promote your tweet one time. Similarly, if you’re in the UK, schedule some tweets to appeal to the US while you’re asleep. If you don’t, you’re missing out on a valuable market that still will read your stuff.

4. Find those who have engaged with your content more than once – and work with them. There has to be some way you can mutually benefit with someone who has worked or liked your stuff in the past. This means they respect you and they’re engaged with you, so they’re way more likely to link to you or be willing to cross-promote or something else of that nature. At very least, ask to guest post on their blog for some links/cross-promotion – you’ll get some extra love.

5. ReTweet when people mention you in a positive light – the “MeTweet”. When other people talk about you positively, retweet that information. This is seen as way less egotistical to the normal tweeter, but it still promotes your brand – so take advantage of every opportunity to do it. Some of the most popular people make a killing do this, where solely linking out from their own account eight times really wouldn’t have worked.


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