
Saturday, 5 March 2011

25 hours and 17 minutes to get 1 million Twitter followers!

It's a known fact that the Guinness World Records logs milestones for every esoteric achievement known to man. So with Charlie Sheen "high" on the drug he calls "Charlie Sheen," it was not inconceivable that he would "score" the coveted honor for the "Fastest Time to Reach 1 Million Followers" on Twitter ever. (take that, Ashton Kutcher!)

Clocking in at 25 hours and 17 minutes, everyone's favorite bi-polar ranter was able to reach this goal. As of this posting, the Two And A Half Men star, is closing in on 1.2 million, with a bio that reads, "Born Small…Now Huge…Winning…Bring it… (unemployed winner)."

Then, as if winning 'Best Actor' at the Emmy's or some other industry award function, #TeamSheen tweeted the following thank you to his ever-loving fans, when he tipped the scales at 1 million, just 11 hours before this post.

Remarkedly after joining Twitter on March 1, in less than an hour, Sheen amassed more than 60,000 followers and a Klout score of 57 - without tweeting one word. According to an Advertising Age report, Sheen was able to get his account verified quickly as the result of the Internet startup brokering his account with Twitter. apparently represents a long list of A& B-List celebrities who are known to attract the media, such as Kim Kardashian, Snoop Dogg and Paris Hilton.

"It was that got Charlie Sheen up on Twitter," says spokesperson Krista Thomas. "Based on trusted relationships with our executives, Charlie's management team reached out to us. Right off the bat, we realized that Charlie's voice has no contemporary. We knew he had one speed: go."

"So we helped Charlie get ownership of @CharlieSheen on Twitter and verify his account to ensure that friends and fans would have no doubt as to his identity and the authenticity of his tweets. As we have with many celebrities, our stellar talent team then helped get Charlie and his team started with, Twitpic and the other Twitterverse tools he might need - something we do quite often for athletes and artists."

So as Sheen continues to "defeat the earthworm" with his tweets, and threaten his ex-wives with his "fire-breathing fists," has he redeemed himself within social media circles by reaching this milestone on Twitter? Or is this just a desperate attempt by a man slowly losing his grip on reality to attach himself to yet another media outlet? In either event, I'm sure his tweets over the course of the next several news cycle will be "breaking news" and sopping up all the air in the room.

It's an odd commentary on life, when the Twitterverse can reach such heights as providing a forum for oppressed people to help achieve democracy in the Middle East, and then in a blink of an eye sink to such depths as to provide a run-away freight train like Sheen with a soap box to broadcast more of his bi-polar (er, excuse me, bi-winning) rants.


Sally Cevasco said...

Amazing story isn't it? All you have to do to get this massive attention is "bad behavior" apparently.

I think you hit the nail on the head with your first remark "bi-polar" as he obviously has some major issues!


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