
Friday, 7 September 2012

LinkedIn Revamps Brand Pages

LinkedIn is rolling out new brand pages to boost engagement between job hunters and companies on the social network, according to an announcement Thursday on LinkedIn’s website.

The revamped company pages are more visual and less flooded with widgets. There is a large cover photo at the top of the page, similar to Facebook, and company updates about product announcements and job opportunities are displayed more prominently.

Behind the scenes, LinkedIn has come up with an algorithm to make sure that each company’s update stream is customized for the person checking the page, ensuring that the user sees the most relevant posts first.

LinkedIn has introduced several new features in recent months to get users more engaged on the social network. Earlier this year, LinkedIn released a Follow Company button to make it easier for users to keep up with news from their favorite businesses and just this week, LinkedIn announced a new Facebook-style notification system to track updates on the social network better. The revamped brand pages are just the latest effort for LinkedIn to assert itself as a viable marketing platform for brands.

Several companies have already updated their pages, including Citi, Dell and Philips.


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