
Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Twitter Considers Building Own Video Service

After removing third-party image-hosting services from its apps, Twitter is now looking to do the same with video, according to a report.

 According to AllThingsD, the San Francisco-based startup is thinking of building its own video-hosting technology. Video clips that users uploaded to Twitter through its apps would be hosted by Twitter, not third-party providers like yFrog and TwitVid. Twitter reps could not be reached.

As our own Christina Warren wrote when Twitter removed third-party image hosts last month, “Twitter doesn’t have a video-uploading option now, but there’s no reason to think that the company won’t have that option at some point.”

 It’s all part of Twitter’s stated mission to deliver a consistent end-to-end experience for consumers. As AllThingsD points out, if a third-party video provider has a technical glitch, there’s no way for Twitter to address the problem.

 Having its own video-hosting service could also open up new advertising opportunities: Advertisers might be incentivized to buy Promoted Tweets and Trends if they were able to display a video ad in-line, rather than having to link to a third-party site like YouTube. Potentially, Twitter could also run ads in front of videos users uploaded to the network.

 Should Twitter go ahead with the service, it’s bad news for the likes of yFrog and TwitVid — but they’ve had plenty of warning by this point, one could argue.


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