
Wednesday, 16 June 2010

3 Tips - Making Money With Twitter

I am going to provide you with 3 valuable pointers to remember in
order to increase the money you can make with Twitter.

The shortened version for those in a rush are ....

1. Don't have just one account
2. Don't have an auto DM leading directly to a sales page
3. Don't only use automated tweets

The extended version :) ....

1. Don’t have just one account
In order to ensure that you are suddenly not cut off from twitter,
which you may well be using as your primary selling tool, be sure
not to become dependent on just one twitter account. If you do,
you can be shut down, even by accident, for a minimum of a week or
now even a month with the new T&C’s which for you could result in
the loss of thousands of dollars. Use and groom at least two
accounts and it’s really up to you how many you find manageable.
Any more than five accounts will prove difficult!

2. Don’t have an auto DM (Direct Message) leading directly to a sales page
The first thing I notice about 90% of the people I think about
starting to follow, is that they send you directly to a sales
page! This immediately sends the impression, that like so many
others, you just want to use your followers as customers! Don’t
do this! You may immediately lose a follower even if you turn out
to have the best intentions in the world. The one exception I
would make to this is if it is your own product and that you make
this clear in the DM.

3. Don’t only use automated tweets
Automated tweets are great! It allows you to have a life and at
the same time tweet information to your followers that they
really enjoy or find interesting or valuable. The problem is that
more and more people only use automated tweets. If you use 100%
automation in your accounts, you will lose followers. People want
to hear about you, that’s why they follow you so do not just send
them information that is in no way personal.


Ali Mackenzie said...

Who are you? are you just using the name of Mili and Paul? sounds a bit iffy to me.... I will watch out to see exactly who you are as Mili and paul have their good names to protect...

goodgirlsguide said...

Alison, how did you get to this site, unless you opted in to the email that you have click through on?

goodgirlsguide said...

1) It's great to use more than one acount if you have the time. But in between updating blog, finding material to blog and learning the in's and outs of IM and social media, I think one account is the place to start. Get your bearing, focus, before expanding.

2) Oh I agree! I hate to see those twitters that just lead you to there affiliate product of link - but I do appreciate that there may be products amonst that that some of my own followers may be interested in - even if I, myself would hesitate to investigate.

3)Automated tweets? How technical are we getting? This is the point at which 'SOCIAL' media contradicts itself. It isn't PERSONAL, not even 'HUMAN', just machine, talking to machine, while no-one is actually reading the tweets being sent. Save your fingures!

Please, direct marketing should require that you figure out your clients needs and desires, perhaps even by survey/research, then assist them to happily achieve their outcome, with a smile.

roadcred said...

I still reckon tweeting is a waste of time and effort. It is only the welcome tweet that adds significant numbers to your list. For me twitter has only 2 worthwhile functions
1. To grow your list fast from your welcome response.
2. To seek out immediate problems to individually solve.

Ali Mackenzie said...

yes I did optin to Mili and Paul and of course if this is really you then all's fine, was just concerned that someone was using your names that's all ...

Mili and Paul said...

Hello Alison, it is us Mili and Paul, Paul was using a bit of sense of humour and I liked the point of taking a bit of joke about it and make it fun. Hope that you all see the final purpose of helping you with useful information, in the future we will give people the opportunity to be part of the bloggers list here.

David Alin said...

Hi there:

I must missing something with Twitter conversions as I have used automated tweets - but perhaps I need to redirect people to something more valuable than not- I have a green blog at the moment which highlights the "BP" incident that's happening in the Gulf.


I like to share this site at people who have an option about things happening in the Gulf & GREEN items in question!

Thanks - David

Mili and Paul said...


You need to direct all Twitter traffic to a squeeze page were you will give loots of value fo free when they give name and email address, something to do with your niche and then you build your database of people interested in that and you can then keep them informed and share anything you want with them via a newsletter

Peggy said...

Hello There:

This is really a cool site. I hope to hear a lot more from you guys, and I hope to learn a lot more about Twitter.



Unknown said...

Hi Guys,

This is the one site where i learn & learn without feeling overwhealmed....




goodgirlsguide said...

Hello Dave Alin, looked at your blog.

I started my first blog last year and put a few affiliate links in, but didn't complete my google ads details, and forgot cb details (again).So recently monetised it. So would suggest you start to 'monetise' your blog, as they say, by registering with GoogleAds, amazon and CB. There may be opp for green companies to place their ads on your page. Perhaps any money earned could got to charity.

I like the list which you could go into more detail in as not everyone may appeciate what you mean when you say things like: "Make eco-friendly home improvements". More detail is required. Provide links to repair shops, etc.

Goodgirlsguide (Ann)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Im still struggling with trying to even understand how twitter really works and how you can even get anywhere close to anyone.I dont have a problem with FB but twitter is kind of weird,I have followers and I dont know anything about them,and vice versa Short messages that dont seem to make sense, its it me? does anyone else find the same? If so email me and lets talk-make some sort of real conversation.

Sally Neill said...

Hey Mili and Paul,

I never used to understand Twitter but your emails have been helping me lots.

I now get a lot of traffic to my blog and, wait for it..... I made my first $9 from Twitter yesterday ha ha.

Made me happy anyway, so Twitter Marketing is certainly worthwhile.

Sally :)

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