We’ve received independent reports that the Facebook staff has essentially rented out the Century Cinemas 16 in Mountain View, California, where upwards of 1,200 staffers will be seeing the film.
According to the Facebook Pages (how apt) of some Facebook employees, the film will be followed up by a trip to some Palo Alto-area bars for post-movie discussion.
The Mashable crews in New York and San Francisco got to see the film on Monday night, and you can read our review and see the discussion we had with some tech entrepreneurs after the show.
Facebook CEO and Co-founder Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly uninterested in seeing the film (even if our own CEO and Founder Pete Cashmore thinks he should like it), so we don’t expect him to join his employees. Still, that would be a pretty epic screening party.
Are you going to see The Social Network this weekend? Let us know in the comments.
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