
Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Free Promoted Tweets Offered To Charities During Hurricane Sandy

Twitter are offering free promoted tweets to a number of charities and organizations as Hurricane Sandy sweeps across the East Coast of North America.
The companies involved in the campaign are the Red Cross, FEMA, the New York City’s Mayor’s Office and the Maryland Emergency Management Agency.

Free promoted crisis tweets are one example of a number of charitable initiatives Twitter have provided over the last few years, including #hopeforjapan and the International Literacy Day, both parts of Twitter’s Hope140 movement.

The service is accessible in areas where the power or internet has gone down, even to people without Twitter accounts, thanks to Twitter’s SMS service providing support. All someone has to do is text ‘follow [username]’ to 40404.

The Twitter initiative is one of a number that companies are providing online to support those during the ‘Frankenstorm’, as the Halloween Hurricane has come to be known. For example, Google have set up an interactive map which allows users to follow Hurricane Sandy’s progress.

Hopefully the service will provide support to those in need.


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