Pheed, the new social media platform planning to compete with the might of Facebook and Twitter, has already gained 1 million subscribers since self-launching last week. Its instant popularity is partly due to the endorsement it has received from celebrity subscribers such as David Guetta, Pharrell Williams and B.O.B, but could also be attributed to Pheed’s features.
The site’s founders wanted to combine all the features of other social media sites that they liked, without any of the aspects which annoyed them. For example Pheed’s “timeline” displays text, videos, and photos, very much like Facebook’s News Feed, but users can also post audio or even stream live broadcasts on it.
Another novel feature is the ratings system, which allows users to set an age limit on their content, choosing either PG-13 or R. The most obvious introduction, however, is the payment system.
Pheed CEO and co-founder, O. D. Kobo, believes that monetisation is the next logical step for social media, extolling its benefits for users. “It’s not fair that just platforms make money from content”, Kobo told Mashable, “the content creators need to have a fair playground.”
‘Creators’ will be able to charge their subscribers between $1.99 and £34.99 per month, or per view, the profits of which will be split 50/50 between Pheed and the user.
Kobo believes that monetisation will act as a content filter, getting rid of the large majority of useless information that gets posted on Twitter and clogs up our Facebook News Feeds.
Forbes have called Pheed “Twitter-with-a-business-model”, drawing a direct comparison with the social media giant. In fact, users are granted limited access to their Twitter and Facebook accounts from their Pheed page, with the option either to update your Facebook status, or post a Tweet.
At one point last week, new subscribers were unable to access Pheed via their Twitter accounts, leading many to suspect that Twitter were actively distancing themselves from what could be perceived as a threat.
In the wake of recent statistics being released which reveal mobile advertising as a large source of Facebook and Google’s advertising revenue, Kobo has considered taking Pheed into the mobile market. At the moment, however, the patent for a Pheed iPhone app is pending approval.
What do you think of Pheed? Does it do anything new or different that excites you?
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