So, you have set up your business’ YouTube channel and you’re ready to start uploading videos but, frustratingly, you have no idea what to post. Here are a few ideas of different videos you could post to engage with potential customers and clients, while also raising brand awareness. If you haven’t created your YouTube channel yet, I advise you read my post on Social Media Today first.
1. Events
Record the events you hold and post the videos on YouTube. If you have footage from previous events you have held, post them as well.
If you attend any events, record what happens and post it on your channel. Post videos of interesting industry-relevant talks and business shows you go to. Show your subscribers what these events are all about.
2. Live Streams
If you want you can live stream events, or anything else for that matter. If your subscribers need to be up-to-date with everything that happens, invite them to watch your event on a live stream.
3. Presentations
Post videos of any of your presentations which display your ability to keep an audience’s attention. If you have any extra slides that you want to add to the presentation, post those as well. Upload the slideshow itself if it is particularly good, adding a voiceover for clarification.
4. Adverts and Promotions
Upload videos to accompany social media promotions that you run on Facebook and Twitter, or just create adverts specifically for YouTube.
You don’t have to be a big company to create an advert: Dollar Shave Club made the advert below and it went viral, garnering over 10 million views and winning the company a lot of new customers.
5. Tour the Office
Show people where you work and what you do on a normal working day. Making it clear that your office is full of normal, hard-working people can make your business more personable.
6. Interviews
Interview the founders and the board members of your company. If you have products that only your company makes and distributes, interview the people involved in the creation process.
7. Meet the Staff
Introduce the people who work in your business. Invite them to talk about why they enjoy working for the company. Ask them what they think makes your company stand out from the competition. Talking heads videos are very popular at the moment, especially with web companies like Google and Facebook.
8. Tell your Story
Make a video about the history of your company and embed it on your company website. If you have an interesting story to tell, tell it. Business’ with inspiring foundation stories can help to create more buzz around the industry they work in.
9. Products and Services
Introduce new products and services, and describe the benefits of your current ones, with videos that you post on YouTube and embed on your website’s product pages.
10. How To
Make ‘how to’ videos about your products, or about products within your industry. ‘How to’ videos are very popular on YouTube. If there isn’t a good explanatory video for a product relevant to your industry, creating one could help publicise your company.
11. FAQs
Answer the most common questions that your customers have with videos. Embed it onto the FAQs page on your company’s website to accompany a text version of FAQs and answers.
12. Experts
Conduct interviews with experts and respected figures within your industry. By associating yourself with leading figures within your industry and getting them to enter into engaging debates, you will raise your business’ profile.
13. Hints and Tips
Upload videos of useful hints and tips for those working in your industry. For example, I could create a video recounting everything I say in this blog post and post it on YouTube.
14. Testimonials
Ask your contented customers to record videos of themselves using your products and services, explaining how they were really useful. Or you could invite your customers in and make the videos yourself.
15. Contests
Run contests and competitions using YouTube by uploading videos with contest information on the site and them embedding them on the competition page. Competitions which ask entrants to like pages on Facebook or subscribe to channels on YouTube will increase social media engagement.
You could even run contests asking your subscribers to post the best video online, challenging them to create a video of the most innovative use of your product. You could then upload the best videos onto your channel.
Nissan’s advert below invited customers to use a hashtag to contribute ideas for a new car:
16. Blog Posts
Make videos to accompany the blog posts you write and embed them in your blog. Explanatory videos will help you get the point of your articles across. Also, videos help web pages appear higher in Google searches.
17. Podcasts
If you have a regular podcast show, why not visualize it? You could record a weekly/ fortnightly/monthly video with updates and announcements, or you could create graphics to accompany your voice recordings.
18. Responses
Read out emails that you have received and answer the questions they ask. Customers will appreciate the fact that you have taken the time to read and respond to their emails. Posting the videos on YouTube will ensure that everyone can see them, making it less likely that the same questions arise over and over again.
19. Announcements
Celebrate a milestone or your company’s anniversary. Announce new products and services that are in development. build interest and excitement for your upcoming releases.
20. Archive
If you have an archive of old videos, post those that you think are relevant and interesting to viewers. In the past, companies have uploaded old adverts to YouTube which have gone viral, raising brand awareness and increasing customer interest.
What sort of videos do you post on your business’ YouTube channel?
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